About Us

The Fabulous Women of Where's the Bathroom Travel


We are two Baby-Boomer women who love culture, art, food, wildlife, nature and crazy adventures.  We are both still working at our respective jobs of teaching and wildlife biology.  Like many others, we thought it would be fun to share our experiences with friends and family.  As time and requests went on, we decided to expand our vision to include all interested parties.


I’ve been a somewhat reluctant traveler who may have even been characterized by some as a homebody. As I travel now, I’m rediscovering how much I love to be outdoors and to learn new things. I adore asking questions and researching everything I notice. This charming (or annoying) habit might be traced back to 26 years as an elementary school teacher.

I’ve lived in California my whole life. Although I’ve explored many parts of the U.S., my international travel has been limited. It’s extremely fun, interesting and challenging to become a world traveler in middle age.


I’ve always been a gypsy, wanting to see what’s around the corner or the next bend in the road.  My teachers thought I’d surely become an artist, photographer or writer, but I had slightly different ideas.  Born and raised in inner city Chicago where the only wildlife was pigeons and rats, I have always felt a strong connection to wildlife and the environment.  It took till my mid-20’s to figure out how to make that passion the center of my world as a professional wildlife biologist, and I haven’t looked back since.